
Showing posts from March, 2021


This morning, I got up for a run and headed straight to the cherry blossoms. I had a very difficult meeting coming up mid-morning that I had to lead, and I knew I needed to move my body to de-stress. I love that we live to close to UW campus (especially in the spring) when this quad is such a delightful place to be. I feel a bit like a kid in a candy shop seeing all the trees show off in the spring.  It made me think this morning how we all need a place to de-stress, and my simple prayer is that you have a place to go where you can let it all go. Maybe that's your backyard on the trampoline, across the street in the amazing soccer field, up in the foothills, or just in your living room as you find Stella as your safe place. 

Strong and Tall

  Early this morning, Elizabeth had to stop a few times to go to the bathroom, and while she was visiting the first porta potty by the UW hospital, I stopped to notice a glorious patch of daffodils in front of the hospital. They were so hearty and tall, and it's amazing to me how low maintenance they are.  I am not much of a gardener like your mom is, but I can put bulbs in the dirt and I'm always so delighted when they come up each spring with a splash of color to give us hope of warmer days to come.  So, my prayer is for you today, Colter, is that you would continue to grow strong and tall (as I know you have now surpassed your mom's height!) and bring bright colors to this world.  Poppy by our little daffodils in our yard.... 

9 Weeks Until Your Birthday!

 Yesterday, Anna and I climbed up Potato Mountain near Claremont, CA, and we loved the sunshine on our faces along with the reward of the mountain and city views from the top. We brought a potato up to add to the pile--- such a fun tradition!  Looks like someone added an extra "E" to the spelling of potato. 😂 When I got up early to run today (after getting in late last night from our flight), I was a bit tired and definitely felt the soreness in my legs from hiking up a mountain yesterday.  I was grateful for friends who were willing to change up our pace a bit and for the chance to clock another 13+ miles today to celebrate YOU! Only 9 more weeks until you turn thirteen! 

Taking in the Sights

 This morning, while Anna was still sleeping, I went for a run in the neighborhoods around our Airbnb. (We came to CA for a quick college visit to let Anna see two colleges where she was accepted that we had never laid eyes on before.) One of my favorite things about running in a new place is explore areas that are so different from my regular routes.  Today was such a treat to run in neighborhoods with lemon and orange just growing trees in people’s yards, towering palm trees lining driveways along with pink jasmine popping out of fences.  These sights and smells were a bit like a time machine, and they brought me back to memories from my own college days in CA. May God give you the ability to soak up the beauty around you today. What is one small (or big) beauty you can name today? 

A Good Push

  My running buddy (and very dear friend) Elizabeth has asked me to do workouts with her on Thursdays.  So, today, we went to Green Lake and ran 3 minutes fast with a 2 minute recovery all around the lake.  I am telling you that I would not do this on my own as I am not really training for anything right now, but it is good to have someone encourage me to work my body in a different way and to push myself.  So, my simple prayer for you today as I think about your friends is that you would have friends who would push you in positive ways to always look out for others, to be thoughtful, and to show respect and kindness in all you do together.  

Almost time to bloom

I keep running over to UW campus to see if the cherry blossoms are in bloom yet. This morning, I found one tree that just could not contain itself as it was already showing off its pink blossoms, but the others are still not quite there yet. It made me think about you turning 13 and how this is a BIG DEAL! You are right on that verge of a new stage and a new chapter with new freedoms and responsibilities ahead. I can't wait to see more of the person you are becoming as what I've seen so far in the last 12 years is pretty awesome.  Your tender heart and the love you show to others are such gifts, and my prayer for you is that you will continue to let that grow and bloom. ❤ bare branches  in full bloom 

Before my feet hit the floor...

You have probably heard Papa say that he prays for all of us "before his feet hit the floor" each morning. This is such a comfort knowing that someone is holding me up in prayer each and every day.  Well, I want you to know that not only do you have Papa praying for you everyday,  but you have my prayers too before my feet hit the floor too.  photo of my bear who just could not get out of bed to go running with me this morning....  Auntie Em's "Colter" ring ❤❤❤❤❤

Rest Day

After my long runs on Sundays, Mondays are my rest days, and I love sleeping in a bit on these days and not thinking at all about lacing up my running shoes. I read on one blog one time, " Once you begin a strict work out routine the last thing most people want to do is stop, skip a day or take the weekend off. We feel like it will throw a wrench in our momentum to work out but it is crucial to your success to take a day or two a week to rest and recover. Allowing your muscle groups to take a day off is always critical to help with muscle repair and growth."  As I think about how this applies to you in this stage of your life, my prayer is simply this that you would find days to rest from the exhaustion of school and navigating life in a pandemic. This verse from The Message says it best:  " Are you tired? Worn out? Burned out on religion? Come to me. Get away with me and you’ll recover your life. I’ll show you how to take a real rest. Walk with me and work with me—watch

10 weeks until your birthday!

BIRTHDAY COUNTDOWN RUN #3!  Elizabeth's watch said 12.99 miles (see above) while Paula's said 13.04.  Close enough!  Colter, I am praying for you today as you get ready to go back to school after a week in Texas shooting hogs and hanging out with grandparents. Prayers for good rest today and a good time reconnecting with friends this week. 

Green Hope

As I ran through the park today, the color green was everywhere. Spring is about to pop around here, and it even looked like some of the moss was neon green with its bold color.  It reminded me of this from Romans 15:13 in the Message translation: "Oh! May the God of green hope fill you up with joy, fill you up with peace, so that your believing lives, filled with the life-giving energy of the Holy Spirit, will brim over with hope!"  Colter, I'm praying for green hope today for you in this year at school,  with your friends and in your family..... 💚💚💚💚💚


This morning, the skies were blue, and I happen to know that the rain is coming for the next week, so I ran towards the water to get a little glimpse of the sunrise. Sometimes I feel like a kid in a candy shop living here, and I can't get enough of some of the views here in Seattle.  "Let the morning bring me word of your unfailing love, for I have put my trust in you." Psalm 143:8 May there be some beauty around you (even there in West Texas) that reminds you of God's love for you today, Colter. 

Birthday Run and Hog Hunting

What a great way to start the day with a birthday run today with your Uncle Jas and my dear friend Elizabeth. May God bless you with friends by your side to celebrate each step of the way....    random flock of flamingos in a yard on our route this morning  Meanwhile, you were hunting hogs while I was running through Emerald City this morning... Oh my heart- nothing says birthday cheer like a dead hog...

Valley of the Gnomes

  BIRTHDAY COUNTDOWN RUN #2!   (only 11 more weeks until your birthday!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!)  Today, our run took us over a bridge in a cute little neighborhood by Lake Washington and there are gnomes tucked away in the little ravine for people to find.  (And you know how much Anna and I love our little gnome that we hide back and forth on occasion, so this was super fun this morning.)  And it's even got a page on Yelp with an official name: May God bless you with a little whimsy and delight today  (even if that does not entail a gnome found in the woods.) 

Skipping my Saturday Run (for a good reason!)

Usually on Saturday mornings, I run with a neighbor, but today, I had to cancel for a VERY good reason. Uncle Jas and I got to go to a pop-up clinic in Shoreline today to get our Covid-19 vaccine, and I definitely had a few tears while at the clinic with such deep gratitude for all the health care workers, scientists, statisticians, policy makers, and so many others who have served tirelessly behind the scenes who have made this possible. It makes me so happy thinking that this means we probably will get to see you all this summer and really HUG you and make up for some lost time.... -prayer written by Cameron Bellm 

Clear Your Head

This morning, I had an early meeting and then had an hour break before another long stretch of meetings. With this window in between these extended screen times on Zoom meetings, I decided to go for a run to soak up a little morning sunshine and to move my body. I looked at my phone and was trying to decide if I would listen to a podcast, but ultimately I decided to leave my phone at home and just use the time to be quiet for a bit.  Sometimes when I run, I find this to be the absolute best thing because it seems that too much is swirling around in my head and I don't need any more input.  This picture below is kind of what I felt like this morning before I headed out for a run.  One of the best things about running for me is that I get to take time to pound the pavement and clear my head.  As I run, I find that I am able to let my thoughts settle, I sometimes remember a few things I might have forgotten otherwise, and I am able to think more clearly for the rest of my day.  So, th


This morning on my run, I listened in to the WA State Prayer Breakfast on Zoom. Usually if I were to attend this, I would have to leave the house at 5:30 am to get to our state capital in Olympia in time for the 7:00 am start time, and so it was lovely to roll out of bed a bit before 7, throw on my running shoes, and then hear the program while I was watching the sun shine over Lake WA instead.  While this pandemic has been so difficult and isolating for many people, it also has opened up possibilities for people to participate in things they could not have before. For example, that's how Nana and Papa get to be regular attendees at First Pres Missoula each Sunday morning as they hop online to hear your dad preach.  The connection that Zoom has opened up around the world is quite amazing (despite the real fatigue of Zoom if you have to be on it all day.)  So, this morning, the word that came to mind was "connected" as I was thinking and praying for you. Colter, may you ha


  This morning, I put on some new running shoes, and they sure felt good.  I have pointy heels and tend to create holes in the backs of my shoes after several months so I have to put duck tape over the holes to make the shoes last a little longer. As you can imagine, over time the tape comes off, and then I get blisters from the holes or the jagged piece of tape. So, when I bust out a new pair of running shoes, I get very excited.  As I was running (and my feet were saying "Ahhhhh" from how good they felt),  I kept thinking about the word NEW.   A verse I think of often is the one from Lamentations that says,  "His mercies are new every morning; great is His faithfulness."  May you know the gift of God's love and mercy today so much that it feels like a brand new pair of shoes. 

a simple thank you

Today, as I ran with my friend Elizabeth, we logged around 6 miles together and then I headed home up a bunch of stairs as a shortcut to get home for a meeting. I was able to run up all the stairs without stopping, and when I reached the top, I said a little "thank you" to God and a "thank you" to my body for carrying me up the hill.  Your mom and dad may have told you that I've had a few scares with my blood pressure in the last few months, and I have had my share of ups and downs with all of this.  So, running up the hill this morning (which is something I've done more times than I can count) was just not something that I took for granted today, and gratitude bubbled up in my heart.  My prayer for you today, Colter, is that God would nudge you to offer up a quick prayer of thanks for something you've been able to do today.... 

13 Weeks until your 13th Birthday

Dear Colter,  Today marks 13 weeks until your 13th birthday, so I've decided to run 13 miles every Sunday until your birthday as a way to celebrate you and use this time to pray more intentionally for you.  This morning, as I was grabbing my running shoes from our closet by our back door, Poppy was there on the little carpet below the racks of our shoes.  She jumped up and started licking my hand and made it clear that she wanted me to scratch her tummy.  As a lover of animals, you can appreciate how adorable this was, and I thought it was a perfect start to this 13 week countdown.  Poppy has stolen our hearts (as I know Stella has in your family), and Anna and I still have the same delight when we walk in a room and see her sitting there as we did the first day we got her. I must say that I have the same feeling about you.  Your kindness and tender heart shine bright, and I simply want these next 13 weeks to be a reminder that you bring such delight to me and many others (just as