
This morning on my run, I listened in to the WA State Prayer Breakfast on Zoom. Usually if I were to attend this, I would have to leave the house at 5:30 am to get to our state capital in Olympia in time for the 7:00 am start time, and so it was lovely to roll out of bed a bit before 7, throw on my running shoes, and then hear the program while I was watching the sun shine over Lake WA instead. 

While this pandemic has been so difficult and isolating for many people, it also has opened up possibilities for people to participate in things they could not have before. For example, that's how Nana and Papa get to be regular attendees at First Pres Missoula each Sunday morning as they hop online to hear your dad preach.  The connection that Zoom has opened up around the world is quite amazing (despite the real fatigue of Zoom if you have to be on it all day.) 

So, this morning, the word that came to mind was "connected" as I was thinking and praying for you. Colter, may you have deep connection with your friends and your family and with God all the days of your life.... ❤


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