13 Weeks until your 13th Birthday

Dear Colter, 

Today marks 13 weeks until your 13th birthday, so I've decided to run 13 miles every Sunday until your birthday as a way to celebrate you and use this time to pray more intentionally for you. 

This morning, as I was grabbing my running shoes from our closet by our back door, Poppy was there on the little carpet below the racks of our shoes.  She jumped up and started licking my hand and made it clear that she wanted me to scratch her tummy.  As a lover of animals, you can appreciate how adorable this was, and I thought it was a perfect start to this 13 week countdown. 

Poppy has stolen our hearts (as I know Stella has in your family), and Anna and I still have the same delight when we walk in a room and see her sitting there as we did the first day we got her. I must say that I have the same feeling about you.  Your kindness and tender heart shine bright, and I simply want these next 13 weeks to be a reminder that you bring such delight to me and many others (just as you did when you arrived here almost 13 years ago!). May these little reflections I write to you remind you of the two most important things that I know that I want to make sure to pass on to you: 1) that God is with you and 2) that God loves you.  

I look forward to lacing you up in my running shoes in the next few months and celebrating YOU over the miles. 

Auntie Em's 13-mile route this morning (RUN4COLTER #1) 


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