A Look Back

Today is your birthday eve, so I decided to take a look back at all the posts I have written over the last 13 weeks and look for themes and ways that I have sensed God's blessing over you during this time. 

First of all, I had to make sure to give you an update on a post I wrote on March 9th when I was writing a bit about some of my issues that I have had with my blood pressure for the last 4-5 months. I am not sure if your parents told you, but I met with an endocrinologist at the end of March who spent an hour over Zoom trying to figure out what the underlying cause could be. She happened to ask me if I ate a lot of licorice to which I responded "no," but then a light bulb went off in my mind as I thought about all the tea that I drink that does indeed have licorice root in it. After that, I stopped drinking that kind of tea, and my blood pressure has gone back to normal. As a way to thank this doctor, I took a care package to her office with this silly costume to acknowledge her wonderful detective skills. The reason I share this with you is because I think it is so important to acknowledge when our prayers have indeed been answered and to stop and give thanks! 

As I write today and look back at the last 3 months of running and praying for you, I want to stop and give thanks for the ways that God has showed up (just like my story above).  I put all the words from all the posts into a Wordle and generated this word picture below: 

I see some common themes around gratitude, noticing, delight, joy, hope, connection, being awake to God’s grace, and being rooted and grounded... 

I want you to remember a few things if you don't remember anything else from the last few months: 
 You are loved. You are not alone. You are a unique, unrepeatable miracle of God. 

I may sound like a broken record, 
but I just don't think there's anything more important for you to know.... 

These last 13 weeks have been such a gift as I have heard God's loud singing over you and hope that these posts have been a way for you to hear it too..... 


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